Dienstag, 16. September 2008

Gigapan out of the box

In less than a week after ordering my beta-tester set of the Charmed Labs (link) Gigapan head arrived. Under the Gigpan-Systems (link) label they started the production of this automatic panohead for consumer sized cameras. The results are currently on an own website (link).

My first impression:
smaller and lighter than expected
no prototype look-and-feel
easy to setup and use,
fun,looking forward to experiment with it

I will use it with a Panasonic LX3.
You need to wait for my first results and in-deep test, since I am just packing for Germany for 3 weeks.

The picture show the unpacking ceremony and the test setup with el-cheapo Benq cam.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Although I am gigapaning for a while (http://gigapan.org/viewProfile.php?userid=4195) I don't have gigapan imager yet! I live in Iran and shipping is not available; happy you.
    You may like to check my blog: http://howtogigapan.blogspot.com/
    Gook Luck,
